Lions-Club Weil am Rhein
Lions is a worldwide organization of people with the goal to donate and work for charity.
About the Client
Lions Clubs is a worldwide organization of volunteers committed to doing good. Donations, campaigns, and direct interactions with disabled people, minorities, and more are just a few examples of what Lions stand for. A local club from my hometown is part of this network and wanted a new website.
Technical Details
This project was one of my first websites. I had hardly learned the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and wanted to gain new experiences by building real-world applications.
The initial version was developed in 2013 with Contao, a feature-rich, PHP-based CMS. The design is slightly inspired by Lions' global CI and focuses on a clean and straightforward presentation. Throughout the years, up until 2022, this version served the client well, however, recent upgrades and changes to PHP and Contao lead to a broken system, which needed to be replaced.
The current version was not developed by me, but rather provided by Lions Deutschland as part of a unified portal that houses all relevant data, such as memberships, marketing sites, intranets, and more. Said portal is powered by Liferay and offers a WYSIWG editor to create pages, a blog, and more. I migrated the legacy content by adding pages, blog posts, and other data according to the client's needs.